5 Ways To Use Social Networking To Attract More Attention

Altitude Digital
Ways To Use Social Networking To Attract



Social networking platforms are among the most effective mediums for fast, responsive, online marketing campaigns. They make it easy for company of all sizes to connect with audiences that are already tuned in and ready to engage. Best of all, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or take on a lot of risk in order to turn considerable profits in a short period of time. Following are five ways that you can start leveraging the power of social networks to garner more attention for your business and significantly increase your earnings.

1. Jump On The Proverbial Bandwagon

Social media is constantly buzzing over a broad range of trending topics. You can find these topics listed on major search engines. These can range from the latest celebrity plastic surgeries to an international tragedy that has claimed numerous lives. Staying abreast of these things and then tying them back to your business via your social networking posts is a great way to get people to take interest in who you are and what you do. These efforts show your business as being personable, tuned in and aware of what people care about. They also give you the chance to show how your company is capable of solving real world problems. Are locals struggling their way through a seemingly endless rainstorm? Let them know that you’ve got rain boots on sale or that your carpet cleaning services are currently 10% off. Did a celebrity just have a major wardrobe malfunction? Talk about the extraordinary durability of your new line of bras.

2. Get Charitable And Ask People To Join In

Staying abreast of current events will also give you a chance to build goodwill for your business and do something good for others. When you see a trending topic that’s related to a local or global tragedy, let your followers know that you’ll be donating a portion of your sales to the related tragedy. With Social networking you can do something good without having to issue a special broadcast about a hefty donation and it gives people greater incentive to shop through you. Although hashtags might seem a bit overplayed, jumping on the bandwagon of good cause and then recruiting other people to join you is always a good reason to dream up a new hashtag. Keep yours short, simple and easy to repeat so that you can make sure these catch on.

3. Go On A Rant And Ask People To Rant Back

People love shaking their fist at Mondays. If you want to seem relatable, shake your fist at Monday too and then give people a reason to smile. For instance, tell people that the start of the work week is a major challenge. Then let them know that you’re selling french fries (or whatever it is that you happen to sell) at half the normal price as a mid-day pick-me-up. Or, tell people to join you in your rant to get a high-value coupon code. Empathizing with your public and then giving people a reason to cheer up is guaranteed to win you some business.

4. Start A Love Fest With Your Social Networking

Don’t be the perpetual pessimist. While groaning about Mondays can win you a few fans, it won’t do you much good to groan all of the time. Make sure that you’re giving shoppers plenty of reason to be optimistic. Tell your followers and fans that you appreciate them and then list the reasons why. When you’re done, give them a promotional code. You can make this code specific to items that you’re especially eager to offload as a way to get sluggish inventory to start moving.

5. Clear Off Your Shelves And Give People A Reason To Buy Right Now

When it comes to online marketing, nothing is more effective for creating immediate interest and making buyers take fast action than letting people know that they’re about to miss out on something amazing. This is especially true on social networking sites given that it lets you get the word out in real time and offer ongoing updates without seeming too intrusive. If you’ve got inventory collecting dust on your shelves and want to get rid of this stock, set a price that people can’t refuse and then let them know that supplies are running out. Not only will this give consumers more incentive to shop through you right now, but it will also give them a chance to consider some of your other wares. As supplies start to dwindle, let your followers know.

There are countless ways to use social media as part of your online marketing plan. In addition to being free, these platforms allow for real-time updates and are the perfect too for inciting immediate action. Whether you need to turn a profit fast or simply want to start connecting with your market in a more personable and engaging way, these five tips are guaranteed to help you make a positive and lasting impression on your fans.



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